
ये बिरयानी आपको दीवाना कर देगी | Hyderabadi mutton dum biryani | mutton dum biryani recipe | layer biryani recipe in hindi

2020-08-23 6 Dailymotion

#Hyderabadimuttondumbiryani #Hyderabadibiryani #merirasoi #layerbiryanirecipe
Learn how to make Hyderabadi mutton dum biryani at home. There are lots of varieties of biryani recipes. Hyderabadi biryani, also known as layered biryani is an authentic recipe from Hyderabadi cuisine. This Hyderabadi mutton biryani is prepared by putting multiple layers of cooked mutton meat and boiled rice and then giving a dum to biryani. #dumgoshtbiryani
To make layer biryani in Hyderabadi style, first we cook mutton and rice separately. Giving dum means to cover the biryani well so no steam could be passed and give it a very slow cook for 10 minutes. Dum is given to biryani at the end when biryani is almost ready. Follow the recipe instructions given in this video to see how to make this yummy historical Hyderabadi biryani.


A. Ingredients to Marinate Mutton Gosht

1. Mutton Meat (मटन गोश्त) – 600 Grams
2. Green Chillies (हरी मिर्च) – 4 to 5 Nos (coarsely ground paste)
3. Red Chilli Powder (लाल मिर्च पाउडर) – 1/2 Tsp
4. Salt (नमक) – 1 Tsp
5. Biryani Masala Powder (बिरयानी मसाला पाउडर) – 2 Tsp
See Recipe for Biryani Masala Powder at

6. Turmeric Powder (हल्दी पाउडर) – ½ Tsp
7. Coriander Powder (धनिया पाउडर) – 1 Tsp
8. Ginger Garlic Paste (अदरक लहसुन पेस्ट) – 2 Tsp (Homemade)
9. Lemon Juice (नींबू का रस) -1 Tsp
10. Curd (दही) – 1 Cup
11. Fried Onions (फ्राई की हुई प्याज़)– 1 Nos Onion (Sliced and Fried)
12. Coriander Leaves (हरा धनिया) – ½ Cup

B. Ingredients For Cooking Biryani Rice

1. Basmati Rice (बासमती चावल) – 500 Grams
2. Bay Leaf (तेजपत्ता) – 2 Nos
3. Green Cardamom (छोटी इलाइची, हरी इलाइची) – 2 Nos
4. Cinnamon Stick (दालचीनी) – 1 Piece (1 inch)
5. Cumin Seeds (जीरा) – 1 Tsp
6. Salt (नमक) -1 Tsp
7. Vegetable Oil (तेल) – 1 Tsp
8. Lemon Juice (नींबू का रस) – ½ Tsp

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